Monday, August 1, 2011

Heather: This sucks.

I stayed up like, all night last night (by all night, I mean around one-ish, because I had a really long day...), and they didn't renew the Pottermore registration, so I went to bed, and then got up uber early, and spent all morning doing chores for my grandmother, and now, at noon, IT'S ALREADY CLOSED.

I may cry. Well, it's tempting.




  1. There's always tonight, and the next night, and the next night. :) You'll get in, I know it, so don't cry yet.


  2. Its alright, I'm sure you'll get it tonight.
    Just a heads up though, It closed an hour after it opened...

  3. Ouchhh.

    I'm staying on all night.


  4. Haha yeah, that's good idea. I was up til 5 last night...but it's so worth it.


  5. I was up till 7, yeah, I'm insane. <3
