Thursday, August 18, 2011

Nat: Refreshing.

I just spent 12 hours completely reorganizing my office and all my computer files. I only had one scary moment where I thought I completely wiped the harddrive and lost all the words I'd written in my life, ever. But everything turned out okay.
And if you had seen how messy everything in my office was before, you would be impressed with how clean it is now. It's quite refreshing, to tell the truth.

Anyway, that's all.

What happened to our SAAWAKM/FB revolution, ladies? Get posting!


  1. Awesome! I think I'll be doing the same, to be honest...I've used like, 2 megabites of memory xD! Just for my word files, too. I don't even wanna THINK about how many pictures I have on my computer...


  2. Haha I'm in the same boat with all my pictures. Good luck if you do decide to organize. :)


  3. I clean my coputer out ever two months or so, but in real, non computer life I'm a mess. lol.

  4. Please for Christ sake help this poor boy from Haiti
