Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Jamie: Plot and Beginnings....

     Okay, so thanks to Cori, I have figured out my plot to my work-in-progress book, Figment; An Unbreakable Novel. I am so happy, you all have no idea! :)

      Okay, well I have a question for my fellow writers. Do you guys have any tips on how to start a book? Like a good intro/beginning? I'm having... difficulties.



  1. Remember those writer's digest things I sent you over gmail? Take a look at a few of those. ^^ They just might help.


  2. Okay, thanks Core!


  3. I have tons of issues starting stories myself. Haha, normally, I try to just write. It normally ends up being really action packed- and I usually have to figure out how to fit it in afterward, but it usually gives me the push I need to get started.

    Sorry if that was unhelpful... Haha.


  4. Honestly, I would recommend what heather and I are doing. which is to just not focus on the quality of the writing right now, as that's what editing is for, but just write it out so that you actually have something to edit. If that makes sense. Also, if you haven't already seen it, there's a Tips for Writers page under all our pages on the right up there ^>. We haven't really updated it lately, but it still has a lot of good advice.


  5. Okay! Thanks for the help! And Heather, it was helpful! I'll just go for it, and maybe, possibly I'll be able to get to my word count before midnight!

