Monday, December 27, 2010

Heather: Merlin.

Be aware that this post has absolutely NOTHING about writing in it. :) Aside from the sentence..
The possibility has occurred to me, that some people on this blog may never heard of Merlin, or seen the show, or anything of that sort.
That simply will not do.

Meet Merlin, Prince Arthur, Morgana, King Uther, Guyus, (Gaius? I have no idea how it's spelled. :) ) and Gwen.
Yes, it is almost two a.m., and yes, I was just listening to my father talk in his sleep as I started re-watching season three.
I've been watching this show since the second episode, in season one. :)
Not tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo obssessed...
Anyway, I hope that helped bring on your own obssessions too! ;)