Monday, December 20, 2010

Nat: Dear blank, please blank.

I spent all day watching Season 1 of Supernatural. I'm on Episode 6 or something like that. And basically, I'm in love.

I also just found this website today,, where people write letters to people/things and I've been reading it for like an hour. Here are some of my favourites:

Dear You,
Smile. You're beautiful.
Sincerely, Me.

Dear Icebergs,
Sorry to hear about the global warming. Karma's a bitch.
Sincerely, The Titanic.

Dear Women,
I'll make you a sandwich if you want. Wanna be friends?
Sincerely, Sweet Guy.

Dear anonymous classmate of mine,
Thanks for not only returning my lost purse with everything intact, but for slipping a pack of Starbursts in there too. You made my day.
Sincerely, not all faith in kindness lost.

Dear Crazy People,
I'm not going to blow this grocery store up, I just need some salad.
Sincerely, an American Muslim.

Dear God,
Please give us Heath Ledger back, we'll let you have Robert Pattinson.
Sincerely, Anonymous.

Dear nervous high school freshman,
It is better than you've heard. You just have to find the right friends. I suggest the art, theatre, band, and orchestra kids.
Sincerely, college freshman.

Dear Sleeping Beauty,
You're so lucky you got to skip dating and just woke up to the man of your dreams.
Sincerely, ready for my happily-ever-after.

Dear Delilah,
Hey there.
Sincerely, The Plain White T's

Dear grammar,
Please come back. We miss you.
Sincerely, the literate people of the internet.

Dear college guys playing frisbee shirtless outside my dorm,
Carry on.
Sincerely, Freshman girl.

Dear trees,
Please disperse more crunchy leaves.
Sincerely, the young at heart.

Dear hair,
Thanks for looking awesome the one day I decided to stay home and watch movies.
Sincerely, the girl with counterproductive hair.

Dear Internet,
Please stop with the talking ads that start on their own.
Sincerely, I just had a heart attack.

Dear movie watcher,
Your parents are about to walk in.
Sincerely, the only sex scene in the movie.

Dear monster under the bed,
Please don't eat my foot as it hangs off the bed to balance my body temperature.
Sincerely, concerned teenager.

Dear Scar,
What was your name before you got your scar?
Sincerely, Simba.

Dear Witty Comeback,
Please show up when I need you, not later that night when I'm thinking about what I should have said.
Sincerely, Anonymous.

Dear shower curtain,
Please never let there be a murderer behind you.
Sincerely, I look every time.

And I wrote one of my own:

Dear Supernatural,
I'm in love.
Sincerely, The Future Mrs. Winchester (I just haven't decided which Winchester yet...)



  1. Dear Nat,
    You can have Sam. Dean is mine SO BACK OFF. loljk :) But seriously. He's mine.
    Sincerely, THE-future-Mrs.-Dean-Winchester

  2. Dear Sarah,
    Alright, I'm good with that. That means we get to be related. ;)
    Sincerely, Nat

  3. Uhm... excuse me?

    I get Dean Winchester Sarah... I will fight you to the death for him...

