Saturday, January 15, 2011

Heather: Well Hello There, Purdy.

Ain't it purdy?
Uhm, no. :)
Hello Sarah, hello Ash. YOU'RE ALIVE!
By the way, that INCREDIBLY sexy picture is just for you two. ;) Boredom- it kills me.
And Nicole, since ypuo never said anything, I'm going to assume you are in the flooding. I hope both you, and your loved ones are alright, if I assumed correctly and you are in the flooding. Though, I do hope I'm wrong.

On the brightside, at least three of us still live. ;)
SARAH! How's this story coming, hmm?
I read everything you posted on OSAAWAKMS when you first posted it... and I'm still waiting! D':


  1. Fortunately, I'm not in the flooding, I'm a few states down.

    Sorry it took me so long to reply, but I've been so busy lately I haven't even had time to check. But I am alive!

  2. That's good! I'm glad you're alright. :)

