Saturday, January 1, 2011

Nat: Everyone's doing it...

I figured I might as well copy Heather and Sarah, seeing as I already posted this on my personal blog. But here you go.

My 2010 Adventures
In 2010 I...
-Got a job
-Got my license and a car
-Met some hot Irish guys!!!
-Dyed my hair
-Had my first real alcoholic drink
-Grew to love my new stepsiblings
-Travelled to Phoenix for Glee Live!
-Grew as a person
-Read some fantastic books
-Started writing at least 3 new story ideas
-Became obsessed with Glee and Supernatural
-Lost some old friends - and gained tons of new ones
-Said goodbye too many times
-Laughed, cried, had my heart broken, and loved more than I thought was possible.

In 2010, I wasted too much time on the Internet, and tried to let my creativity reign free. I wrote thousands of words of stories that may never leave my computer files. I completely changed my style of clothing. I relived my childhood: playing in leaves, building snowmen, colouring with crayons, having snowball fights, spinning in circles until I was so dizzy I couldn't stand up...

In 2010, I learned the meaning of true friends, and discovered that there's more room in my heart than I thought. I made mistakes that I regret, but in the process learned things about myself that I'm glad I know. I fell in love with a boy that broke my heart without ever even knowing it. I discovered a new passion, I laughed until I cried with people that I never even expected to be friends with, and I tried hard to stand up for what I believe in.

My New Year's Resolutions:
-Lead a healthier lifestyle.

-(I'm gonna borrow this one from Heather) Be an all around better, nicer person.
-Work hard on accepting myself for who I am, and try not to be anyone else.
-Have the best year yet.

Here's to an amazing 2011!

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