Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kas: So no, I have not fallen off the edge of the earth... yet.

Why hello there, I haven;t seen you in a while...

My Internet is currently turned off at my house, so I only have my Dad's office internet to use, which is the reason i have been M.I.A. lately.

But, just so you know, I have doen absoulutely no writing ove rthe past two weeks, as I am lazy and extremely busy. Oh, and my computer is being wiped clean because i have filled it with so much crap. haha. So, everything but my writing and pictures is being taken off...

Oh, and I also love Merlin. I've seen the entire 1st season, but i have yet to watch the second or third. :D

So... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! (Since I missed both)

I guess I'll go ahead a nd copy everyone else with this new years thing. :P

My 2010 Adventures
In 2010 I...
-Created SAAWAKM (With Maiah)
-Re-started my novel countless times.
-Got my license.
-Got a job.
-Lost my best friend
-Found a new best friend here, well 8 of them actually. ;)
-Read hundreds of books.
-Lost my mind... still can't find it. I think my cat might be hiding it...He tends to do that when i leave things lying around...

In 2010, I learned the meaning of true friends, and discovered that some things don't always go as you've planned. I was betrayed by someone I loved, even if they didn't know it. I fell in love with and lost a boy who knew me better than anyone in the world. I found out what was truly important in my life; and what wasn't.

In 2010, I reinvented myself in more ways than one, and learned what I am truly passionate about. I lost a lot of things that I thought would be the end of the world to see go. I finally became strong enough to stand on my own and stand up for what I believe in. I stop censoring my thoughts, and my words. I became the person i've been striving to be for so long...

My New Year's Resolutions:

-Finish my story.

-Try not to worry about things I can't change.

-Remember what is important in my life, and what isn't.

Well, it looks like we've all had a pretty interesting 2010... I hope 2011 has just as many adventures.


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