Friday, March 12, 2010

Maiah: Noooo!

Crap. Guess what? I think I'm going to change my first chapter. I'm just not happy with how it turned out...
The one thing that bugs me about it, is that there's so much skipping around! It just bothers me. ARGHHH!

And now I want to just like totally re-write it and see how that turns out. But I'm stuck with that. But i just can't let myself move on and continue with chapter 3 now, because chpt. 1 is bugging me. I don't know how to start off my new version of chapter one. And I don't think that the nightmare scene is working out for the VERY beginning...

Well if you could give me some ideas, that would be wonderful! Haha. Because I am totally stuck, and I'm seriously about to stab my computer with a pencil.


1 comment:

  1. NO! I love the first scene. Its all creepy and suspensful. Keep it...

