Friday, March 5, 2010

Ned- Challenge Two

In Mom's High Heels
By Ned Flow

She'd run around the house and pretend to be a princess
Wearing beautiful dresses and Mom's high heeled shoes
She had no problems, No worries, No stress.
She'd use all Mom's makeup and expensive perfumes
Play dress up with the boy next door
They'd slay dragons and fly on witches brooms
They'd have
fun all day
Playing pretend games
and he wouldn't go home until the sun went away
As they got older the games changed
but their love for each other stayed the same
their ages changed too, the scenery was rearranged
In preschool it became boys versus girls
But they wouldn't follow those rules
Playing and spinning in swirls and twirls
In first grade they were accused of liking each other
They turn to those kids and asked “You don't like your friends?”
To which the others could not answer, they just looked confused at one another
in second grade he went to overnight camp
but he wrote everyday
and sent it in the mail with an envelope and stamp
In third grade she got very sick
so sick she had to go to the hospital
But he visited her with flowers and entertained her with his ninja kick
In grade four his dad left him and his mom.
He was angry and sad
She helped him stay happy, helped him stay calm.
Grade five was the year of grad
“What dress will you wear?” The girls would all ask
“I don't know, it's at the end of the year!” The girl shook her head, they all made her mad
Grad came
and grad went
it wasn't that big an event.
In grade six he joined the drama club, He told her to join too,
It was lots of fun!
So many wonderful things to do!
In grade seven they went to there first dance
He asked her to go with him
She smiled and said yes! What romance!
In grade eight they were put in two different classes
She got braces
and He got glasses!
In grade nine they went to a special arts school
In the end of the year play he play Romeo, and she, Juliet!
They had the school convinced they were super cool.
All through high school they dated
They were BFFs through it all
They grew to love this friendship they had created
And when they got married,
both successful and wealthy,
inside of her, his daughter she carried.
Now their child is born and she runs around the house pretending to be a princess
Wearing beautiful dresses and Mom's high heeled shoes
She has no problems, No worries, No stress.

Okay, so I'm not a very good poet. :)
It was really fun!
Oh yeah it's 441 words.
What word did I choose? I think I want people to guess, to see if I did any good at all, so, put you guess in the comments, and also, tell me if you liked it! Thanks.
Am I early? I actually think I am... Oh well, better then late, I'm just bored.
Hope you liked it!


  1. I'm gonna guess Remembrance? This was good! I liked it!

  2. Wow, Yeah. It was a mixture of Remembrance and Love. :)

  3. That was such a good idea, a very sweet topic. So cute, and inspiring! I loved it. And yeah, I would have guessed love. Great job! =)

  4. Thank you! Haha, so I did get both topic across. Very good to know. :)
