Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ned- 'ello Poppet!

Sorry. Just finished watching Pirate's of the Caribbean, I love that movie. :)

Okay, so. My Cousin, and best Friend, (She was my best friend before she was my cousin. Long Story.) Sage, and I are writting a book together. You can find the first chapter on Worthy of Publishing, our pen name is Sage and Emily. I know. Creative, riiiight? If you could read it and tell me what you think, that would be AWESOME! It's called, Hello, My Name is Lucie. :) Another thing, what do you like more,


For the cover, or...

Thanks a bunch! :)


  1. Haha. I love the main character! She reminds me of my sister. =)

    Theres not really enough of the story for me to really comment on, so i'll just have to wait and read more.

    I love the second cover, the first one is.. okay.

    You should see if your cousin/ best friend wants to join SAAWAKM. I mean, the only reason we weren't goign to accept any new memebers before was the whole chatroom limitations thing. But we dont even use the chatroom! haha. So, i guess it really doesn't matter anymore huh? Lol.

    Okay, well tell us if you decide to invite her!


  2. I'll ask her if she wants to join :) Thanks you for reading it :)

  3. I LOVE the 2nd cover, I think it's awesome! =)
