Sunday, April 25, 2010

Nat: 1,858 Words!

Just one comment:

A trailer + a guitar + a friend + the guy you like = an amazing night! <3

I had so much fun! We talked and sang and wrote a song. =)

But anyway, the real reason I was writing...Um, I don't remember anymore. Oh yeah! I've written 1,858 words today, and I'm still going! I'm back to working on my original story (I can't make up my mind about which one I like better.), and I started writing part of the end. It turned out better than I expected, and I made myself cry, haha.

I also have a question for you guys. I have to name 2 'organization' type things in my story, the good side and the bad side. I was originally going with the Latin names 'Fatum' and 'Eventus,' but they don't seem to be working. If you have any suggestions, that would be really awesome!

Bye for now!


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