Saturday, April 17, 2010

Nat: New Story!


My dream actually turned into a story line, with a plot and everything. (The prologue is the thing I posted a few days ago.) It has a main character, and her name is Aubrey Rowan. I've given it a title, but it's subject to change. For now, the story is called Wynn or Lose. =)

Although I think I want to keep working on my other story, too, because I've come so far that I can't really give up now...

That's all I really have to say. Other than the fact that I'm doing an Ultimate Scavenger Hunt with my school. I'm really excited, but it's a lot of hard work. If anyone knows where I can get a zamboni, please let me know...


1 comment:

  1. A zamboni? An ice rink? I don't know if they'd let you take it though... ;)
