Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Maiah: Ehhh.....I'm stupid..

shingYeah so I totally forgot about choosing a new person to come up with challenge 5! So Sarah...I don't think you've done it yet....?

Post a comment below if you have. Lol. I seriously don't remember.

Also! Yesterday I spent almost 2 hours editing my first chapter. there's a lot more description and it's a little bit longer. So if you could please go read it on WOP...that would be amazing! And sorry if you've read it like five million ga-gillion times so far and your annoyed with it. I am too. Haha.


Alright, well that's it! Soo...Bye! :D


1 comment:

  1. I haven't done a challenge yet! Oooh, now I have to plan... ;)
