Monday, October 11, 2010

Heather: Something That Makes A Little More Sense.

My last post was kind of, in your face, no?
And unspecific.
I explained myself badly.
Anyway, I changed the idea so much it's a completely new idea, but inspired by about 5 of my other stories. :)
And I'm really excited.
It's the type of thing I've wanted to write since I read Eragon (no dragons intended) when I was, like, ten.
But I never had the perfect idea. I had thought it was Prowlers, but it was definitely not.
Now, however, I may just be amazing.
Really, really, really amazing.
It alternates POV by chapter, something I personally often dislike, but I think it's the only way now, and there are only two MC's.
And the two MC's are the most different people ever, they also happen to be identical twins.
It's medieval, and the is a lot of shizz going on. I swear.
Ladies Sophia and Lena are about to take their world by storm. One with her sword; the other her heart.
Simple stuff, really.
Your thoughts on this half-assed description?


  1. The last few lines of this post make me want to read this... badly. :P

  2. I'm confused, but I'd still definitely read it(:

  3. I WANNA READ IT!!! =)

