Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kas: Love.

So, i was going through the posts on my old blog, and i came a cross something that I originally wrote in an email to Maiah, and then i posted it on my blog. I love it.

"Writing a book is about creating your own people and places, making them do incredible things and watching your story form into something you can call your own. It's knowing that no one can take it from you because you pushed through all the hard work and struggles it took to create it, no mater how long it took you. Its knowing that you've created something that people can read and get lost in, something people will love and hate. Its knowing that people will get pulled into your story, and they will cry, and they will scream, and they will laugh, and they will love every second of it... and its knowing that they will want to read it over and over, and each time they do they will still enjoy it, even if they've heard your story multiple times. Writing a book isn't about the words, or the grammar, or the way you phrase things, its about showing others what you've created, showing them these people, these places, and this story that you have spent months trying to perfect for them... just so you can show them why you love it, why you created it. And hopefully, they will love it too... "


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