Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kas: Malkini

Alright, so i know i've said this before, but i think its time to take a break form Malkini. I hate it. Its stupid and irritating. Meh.

So, Malkini is being shoved into a tightly zipped folder on my desktop, where it will stay until its learned how to be more managable...

In othe rnews, im really excited about this new story. I still havent found a name for it, since i keep messing with the story. But, there is some exciting news. I've managed to combine my zombie story and this new one.

I'll write a blurb soon, and you guys can help me with the name, but fro now i think im going to just do more plotting and such.




  1. You won't believe my dream last night, haha.

    I was watching something on TV (in my dream) and the trailer came on for Malkini. I think it might've been from your original idea, but it was really weird because it started off with these sea monsters and stuff. I started screaming and yelling at my mum that I know the girl who wrote that. Then I'm like: Hang on, she hasn't even finished writing it yet.

    It was a really wacky dream, but I thought I'd tell you that part :P. Maybe I'm psychic.

  2. That's kind of wicked. Hahah. :)


  3. UHm. I love you. haha. But i have no idea where you got sea monsters? Hahaha. Your telling the future, theres no other explanation. :P

