Sunday, August 22, 2010

Maiah: hmph.

Tuesday is my first day of school. And it's my first day at an entirely new school, in an entirely new place, with entirely new people.
I literally know no one. I haven't even been inside the school before!

So yes. You could say that I am extremely nervouse, to say the least. And I have no idea what to expect. Wish me luck. :/


  1. I moved schools two years ago and it was the same as me, and I love it there now. You'll make heaps of friends, I'm sure of it. Good luck(:!

  2. You'll do great, don't worry too much.
    Just be yourself, everyone will want to be your friend! :)

  3. Wait, are you going to be a freshman like me? Yay, freshie buddies, hehee! <3 But seriously, you'll get through it. Don't worry about it because you'll just love it! <3

    I start on Wednesday, by the way! Good luck, guuurl! :)

  4. I'm sure by now you've read one of my long ass comments about my 2000 km move, but I started at a high school where I knew no one - and I started a week late.
    But it's beeter starting the first day, because, believe it or not, everyone else in the exact same boat.
    Maybe some have friends from their old schools - but most high schools are fed by more then one school, so in all likeliness, everyone will be looking for a friend, because they won't all have friends in their classes.
    I know I made tons of friends on my first day - just watch for friendly faces.
    And don't worry, because even if you get lost - there will be someone to help.
    And good luck!
    I hope it all works out(: .

  5. Haha yeah, I read your comment Heather. Lol.
    I'm gonna try and not think about it,and worry too much. Otherwise, I know that I'm bound to trip a couple times, or spill my lunch on myself. That's just my luck. Hahah.
    Thanks guys.(:
