Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Maiah: Horfloffes!

I'm not quite sure what it means.....But me and my sister made it up. And it's a certain species of sasquatch. :D
Yep. that's what I do in my free time. Come up with words like "horfloffes". Just kidding.

Kind of.

So anyways, some of you know that I just got a kitty! I haven't seen her yet, just in pictures that my sister and mom have sent me. But I get to see her this evening! Wooo! Well either this evening, depending on what happens, or sometime tomorrow. Yaaay! So as soon as I see her, I'll take a picture and post it to SAAWAKM. She's adorable, btw. Hahaha(;

Yeah, that's right. Be jealous.

Okkkayyyeeeuuuhhhh.....Imma go make some pancakes. Because they sound really good right now. Ahahaha. Bye!


  1. You'd better put up that picture soon!
    I want to see this adorable kitty. :)
    What's her name??

  2. Let me guess, you picked Nachos for the name, am I right? ;P.


  3. We haven't decided on a name yet. Hahaha I was gonna do Nachos, but my sister didn't like it! haha

  4. Name her Sasquatch! DO IT! DO IT! DOOOOO IT!

  5. Hahaha I want to! My brother, my mom, and my oldest sister love it. Because it's like...so totally me. ahahah. but my other sister was like, "Ewww, no. I want Daisy!"

    I was about to be like, "Shut up, bitch. We want sasquatch."

    Hahahahahhaha. Omg. My inner demon just came out. D;
