Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sarah: fakhjghajsghjkasdfg

^ my emotions.

I started school Monday. So far, this year seems pretty easy. Well, not easy...but better than last year. We have block scheduling at my school, which goes like this: each day is a different "color", blue or gold. they switch back and forth. on blue days, I have english, act prep, chemistry, algebra and personal finance. on gold days I have law, A + Tutoring, study hall, library aid and painting. As you could probably guess, my blue days (english, chemistry...) aren't exactly the easiest.

Anywho. My classes are okay. The only hard ones are ACT and chemistry and algebra. But I have homework. Like now. On the third day.


I haven't been doing much writing, mainly because ideas have been jumping around in my head. I'm thinking about going back to one of my first stories.... I'll post part of it on OSAAWAKMS so you can let me know what you think.

Just wanted to let you know what is up with me lately. Oh, and this.

Everything I need to know I learned from Arthur.

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