Friday, August 20, 2010

Nat: There is nothing better (and hotter) than an Irish accent...

I got to spent the whole night with some older (hot!) Irish guys, and I have one thing to say:

I am in love with Irish accents. And Irish guys.

That is all.


  1. I LOVE IRISH ACCENTSn fdkgjnidufhioasudhfioauhfuwehfijsandhrwoaisdnsac

    <<< that much (;

    Have you seen P.S I Love You? If you haven't, you'll most definitely love it just for the accents! I plan on going to Ireland maybe when I first leave school, or after I finish University. Not for the accents and cute guys, I promise... *cough*

  2. Yes! I love that movie! Before tonight though, I had actually not realized how awesome Irish accents are. And I would LOVE to go to Ireland. If there are accents and cute guys - what better place to be? :)

  3. You both make me laugh.
    A lot.

    But I have to agree with you both(:

