Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sarah: Which title is better?

If you were to see a book on the shelf, which would you pick up and buy?

The Totally True Lies of Honor O' Hara


Hang in There, Mr. Gray

Here's an excerpt to help you decide.
(c) Sarah Goebel. No stealing internet users.

I was lying.

If you hadn’t figured that out by now, you should probably call the stupid police because, obviously, you need to be detained. If you had, bravo for you.

So why was I lying? Not all of it was exactly, totally, completely a lie. In fact, most of that story was stretched truth.

Truth: I was born where there is nothing to do. Like, ever. And it’s sorta in the middle of nowhere, though that’s not the name of the country.

Truth: I did belong to the misfits, but they haven’t kicked me out or stolen my pudding. They all go my school and are my good friends. Though it would have been cooler if they were pirates.

Truth: I have been to the Atlantis Hotel in the Bahamas. My parents took me and my sisters on a vacation there last year. Both Hope and Chasity had an excellent time. I ended up with sun poisoning.

See? I was telling the truth.

Lie: I have never been to Australia, though I want to go so very badly. But Chas and Hope outvoted me, complaining that the plane ride would be too long and there was nothing to do in stupid Australia.

Excuse the hell out of me.

Lie: I’d kill to go to boarding school. Anything to get away from my family and their togetherness. (Insert shudder right here).

Lie: I didn’t even want to meet the President Marshall.

Lie: Much to my regret, I had never, nor would I ever, marry a prince. Even if I did love him. Why? Because my prince was Skylar Gardner and he was totally in the hands of Dree Woodrow.

If you’re going to know anything about me, it’s this: I lied. Everybody does it; no one wants to admit it.

Are you still awake? I hope so, because this stupid assignment is worth half my grade.

I promise it’ll be worth it. You’ll find out how in just a few short months I went from zero to hero, met the President, completed a triple-dog-dare and kissed Skylar Gardner right on the lips in front of the whole school.

Hang in there, Mr. Gray. We’ll discover the truth together.


  1. I think I'm liking the first one better.

  2. hah I don't know. I think I like the second better now...hmph. I don't know though lol

  3. I really like both of them...and love the excerpt. Tough choice. =)

  4. I like the first title :)

    xx Sage
