Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nicole: Help with pictures/cover?

I have this new idea that I'm not sure if I'm going to write yet or leave it for later, but I can't find a picture for the cover anywhere! So my story is called Lucy Green's Guide To Surviving The Apocalypse, and it's basically a about a real girly-girl trying to make it through the apocalypse. Could you guys help with a picture or cover, I'm really stuck?

Also, I was going to quit the challenge earlier because I haven't had time to write anything this week, and it's such a hectic time atm because of subject selection. I've decided I'm going to stick it out for a little while longer and see how I go, and I'll be using Kas's technique tonight.

Yeah, nothing else exciting has happened lately, but I can't stop collaging! I'm becoming addicted, I swear, it's insane. I've done these magazine holder things, a few pieces of A4 paper, my school diary, and now I'm decorating my wall (except we ran out of bluetac :( ). It's becoming unhealthy...

Oh, and I'm also going to make a tumblr or blog about my research and journey with TKTBBRBTL. I don't know if anyone would actually be interested in it, but it'll be a helpful way to keep all of the research I think's interesting and little ideas that I have somewhere that I won't lose them or forget them.

Anyway, toodles doodles(:

1 comment:

  1. I'm working on a couple cover design ideas for you. :) Not promising they'll be any good...
