Thursday, August 26, 2010

Nat: New Blog! And New Story!

I started my own personal blog tonight, where I'm going to post once a day, I think. It's called Ashton, Actually (, if you want to check it out. I'm posting the synopsis of my new story on there tomorrow. I'm quite excited about it, it's more romance then anything I've done before. =)

I also didn't sleep last night. I had a bunch of friends over and we watched movies and talked and decided to just not go to sleep. Then there was an incident involving a cardboard tube and fitting 5 people into a single bed. And the night before that I only got 5 hours of sleep, so now I am going to pass out...

[EDIT]: My synopsis of my new story is up on my new blog! :)


  1. Well aint that a nifty thing to do. Create your own blog. XD

    What is a synopsis?

  2. A synopsis is just a description of a book.

