Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Nicole: Playing with Fire and Nick Jonas

Alright. Well, I haven't been going too well with the challenge and meeting my weekly word count. I really, really don't want to give up just yet, so I've come up with some changes that hopefully will help. I haven't really been feeling it with TKTBBRBTL, do you guys get that? I love my idea so much, and I love my characters, but I dunno, and that's put me off writing a bit. So, I've decided to switch stories to Playing with Fire. I've wanted to write this for a while now, and this seems like the perfect opportunity.

Another reason I think I can't get anything down is because I haven't really been planning before I write, so I have no idea where I'm going. That's one thing I'm going to be doing differently with Playing with Fire. I don't think I'm going to be able to get anything written tonight because I'm exhausted and I have a lot of homework to do, but hopefully I'll plan tonight and write tomorrow.

This is completely relevant. Maybe this photo of Nick Jonas will help you forgive me for messing you all around(:? I've always been a quiet fan of the Jonas Brothers, and Nick has always been my favourite. I only recently listened to his solo album, and fell in love. Seriously, his voice, his face, his nose. The things I would do to that boy (;< I've been collecting photos tonight and I already have 280dfjsakfh382q. Some people might call that procrastinating, I call it obsession.

Anyway, I better go do some homeworkjfskkva. Love cha(:

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