Monday, June 21, 2010

Heather: Another Idea. : )

Sooo, as the title entails, I have ANOTHER idea. Of course, I don't know how much I'll get on it, as I have so much writing to do as it is, Ember., Wolves, Painted Skies. :)
But I suppose we'll have to see, because I really like this one. The blurb I have so far is rough, and yes, this will have romance, but I haven't figured that part all the way out yet, so, obviously it's not really in the blurb yet, but I have my main character (though she's still 'in the works') and a somewhat plot. Okay, so, here it is :

In a world where those sick or diseased are removed -- and killed immediately, where fear easily overcomes the minds of millions, and a resistances hides in the shadows, ready to finally strike at the cruel, twisted empire, how do you know when it's time to run?
Simba grew up in a world where guns and brute force ruled. Outside of the city walls were slums, miles upon miles of them; where you had to fight to survive. If you couldn't, the fact of the matter was simple; you didn't survive.
Simba lived sheltered and proud in the midst of the city where she resided with her rich, pretentious mother and her mother's powerful fiancé.
The night her mother is killed and Simba catches her mother's slimy fiancé holding the gun, she's thrust into a whole new world.
Her old life is gone; erased.
She's caught in a game of cat and mouse, fighting for her life as she flees through the slums she had only ever heard about. She's on her way to the resistance; it's the only way to save her life, and stop the terrible forces at work.
It was time to fight.

This is Simba --
I just love that name. :)
Anyway, this story takes place in a very, very distant future, and I still need to think of stuff for it, but I probably won't go to far into in until I finish something else.
Okay, so, your thoughts ?

1 comment:

  1. Oooooooh, I love the idea!!!!!!

    It sounds so great, and I agree, Simba is an awesome name. =)
