Monday, June 21, 2010

Sarah: Erm...

Okay ladies,

In case you didn't notice, my number never went up on the number page. It's nothing against you all, it's just that I don't really feel comfortable giving out my number to people I don't know. Just being my old paranoid self.


You can find me on facebook and add me! And I'll put my email up on the number page. That's the way my group (Nat? Rachel?) will have to write our collab novel. Sorry for the inconvenience.

AND HEY YOU TWO (Nat and Rachel)

we need to talk about this novel idea. What are we gonna write about?


  1. I think i foun you on FB. Is this you?!/profile.php?id=100000571505133&ref=search

    If its not i just friend requested a totally random person. :D Thats the first one that came up when i search for your name though... haha


  2. yep! That's me! I'll add you!

  3. I added you... you just need to accept. :)
