Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Nat: So much to say, so little time...

I was only gone for, like, three days, and so much happened! Did you guys forget about me?

Welcome Brandon and Dustin and whoever else was invited! It's awesome to have you. SAAWAKM is up to, what, eleven members? That's pretty exciting!

I don't have any problem sharing an 'About Me' page, if we need to. I'm planning to update my page today, it's in need of some serious renovations. I've been laying on my couch for the last three days, but my strep throat is finally gone - almost.

I've been writing all day today, and I wrote about 7 pages (3,819 words). I'm going to put the blurb about my story on my 'About Me' page, because I haven't really told you guys about it yet. I'm also still working on my 30 Letters, but I'm so far behind. And I'm going out of town on Friday, and I won't be home for eight days. much SAAWAKM stuff will I get behind on then?

Rachel and Sarah: What are we doing for our Collab?

I also have a suggestion: I think we should all start making YouTube videos. My opinion is that they don't have to be just about writing and our stories. We could start kind of like a vlog thing, and give each other challenges and do fun stuff like that, with occasional updates on writing. I think it would be a cool way to get to know each other. What do you guys think? Let me know.

I'm gonna get all mushy for a minute and just say how much you guys mean to me. You are all so awesome, and I love that we've become friends. Even those of you that I don't know very well, I'm sure we'll get to know each other better as time goes by. I love you all! <3

I feel like there's so much else that I need to say, but I don't know what it is. TTFN.


P.S. Firetrucks here are red...

P.P.S. I haven't seen Eclipse yet, but Harry Potter will always be better than Twilight anyway...


  1. Harry potter is da bomb! Haha... sorry, just had to be said. :P


  2. HARRY POTTER! <3 Yes.
    And awwe, Ash, you mean tons to us, (I'm thinking I can speak for almost everyone) too. :D
    You'll be behind on TONS, promise.
    I'll never forget you... you're too sweet.

  3. Awww, thanks Heather. Haha. Yep, I'll be reading for a long time to catch up. You guys just have too much to say, and can't resist posting every five minutes. :)

  4. All well, what would I have to read if it wasn't for you? Hahahahaha.

  5. ahahahah, you looooooooooooove us. :D

  6. Of course I do, Heather....... :D
