Monday, June 28, 2010

Heather: WC#1 Thank you for the Prologue. And Possible New Member Alert.


Yeah, while I suck at short stories, but I'm not half bad a prologues. And this short story attempt has now become my prologue for the new plot.

And it's somewhat.... epic. If I do say so myself.

Although, it's not quite 'short story' material. Anyway, because of this idea, the plot of Wolves has changed even more drastically... and I love it.

But now.. I have to write a short story all over again. D:

OH! And I have a possible new member. He is a guy, and one of my friends, he likes writing about romance and such, annnnnnd he hasn't shown me his stuff... But I know he has written tons of stuff, he's been doing it for a while. But still hasn't shown me... :( Maybe I should ask... :P
But anyway I think he's a good writer. His name is Brandon. And he's a good guy-- possibly crazier than me! ;o

I've been thinking about asking you guys about him for a while. So, does anyone want me to ask him to join? Let me know.

Okay, thanks. :)


  1. Yes. Ask him to join. A boy member would be a nice change. Lol
    We should see his writing though...
    Oh well. As long as he writes.

  2. Yeah, i say ask him! :D It'll be fun to get a new member.

  3. Ahahah. Okay, I will then, wait, should I wait for the others to say yes?

  4. I dont really think anyone's going to say no...

  5. haha, agreed, they never do...

  6. Hmm, sorry... No.

    Jking(:, I think that's a great idea, especially since none of us have anybody that we actually know in real life on here (I'm not too sure what other word I could use to explain that, but I think you understand what I mean :S) - (except for Sage and Ned)

  7. ahahah, okay. :D
    Since 5 of us want to, I asked him. :D
