Sunday, June 20, 2010

Heather: A Letter.

So, right now... I should really be studying for tomorrows geography exam, but obviously, I'm not.
Actually, I got thinking about things, and since I'm not doing the letters in order, I thought it was fairly necessary - to myself- to write this one, simply because, well, frankly, I think it's about time.
Anyway, I decided to share it on here, as a reminder, I suppose. So... here it is.

Someone you've drifted away from.

Over the years, I've gained friends, and lost them, I've drifted away from many people, but none so much as you.
You used to be friends with everyone. You didn't care what others thought, you wore anything and everything that would never in a million years come close to 'cool,' and frankly, you were on top of the world.
I guess you would tell me that everyone has to grow up. But I had never thought growing up meant losing yourself.
Now, you're a nomad, lonely, because you can't let people all the way in. Stupid, because you've found countless ways to give up on the things you love. Ignorant, because despite how you act around other people, you're beginning to believe that you can't make a difference in the world after all. But I know you better than anyone on this planet, in this universe.
You're just afraid of failure; it didn't used to be your biggest fear, but maybe now it is. You hardly even try, only for a select few things; you're almost afraid of the hard work. Because you think if you try -- you'd probably just fail anyway.
But I'm tired of that stupid attitude. There used to be a kid who believed in everything -- everyone and was willing to give 110% even if if only got her a C. But she's gone now. Replaced with a cynical, angsty teenage girl who can't seem to escape her petty insecurities.
But now is the time to change. You can't just keep moving through your life like this. You've got to make something of yourself. Hasn't that always been your dream?
Then what's stopping you?
This is my vow, to myself, a promise I will not allow myself to break. It's high time I start living my life how I want it, and I'm going to start today.
It's amazing how far you can drift -- from yourself.

So... yeah.
I think I needed that.
Anyway, I think it's about time I studied.


  1. That was so good, and powerful. I can completely relate to it, and it was amazingly well written. I loved it, Great job!!!

