Monday, June 21, 2010

Nat: Nothing to say

Yeah, that's right, I don't have anything to say. But I have nothing better to do, so here I am, posting. Hey, we wanted to reach 100 posts anyway. I'm just contributing to that. =)

I know! I'm going to recommend books for you guys to read. Because I can.

#1. The Harry Potter Series
#2. The Maximum Ride Series
#3. The Mortal Instruments Series
#4. His Dark Materials Series
#5. My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
#6. Paper Towns by John Green
#7. Dear John by Nicholas Sparks
#8. Just Listen by Sarah Dessen

8 is a random number, but I can't think of any more right now.

Here, have a random picture of me in Phoenix.

Also: I added two characters to my story. One is named Primrose, but everyone calls her Wes, and her little brother is named Beau. They're orphans that run wild in the streets. =)

Okay, I will leave you alone and stop boring you now. Bye!


  1. Ahaha, :)
    You're pretty. :D
    And, I think I've read all of them except for Paper Towns. :):)
    And YES! Fight to reach 100!
    Can you tell I'm pumped?

    Urg. I have a drama presentation tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I love drama (the class) and acting, but my characters name is Betushka, and I have to dance around in a floor length skirt in front of my class.
    Did I mention I have four left feet? Not two. Four.
    Bahahah. :)

  2. AND it's worth 30 % of my final grade. :S

  3. Aww, thanks! =)

    And break a leg in your drama presentation. I did my final project in drama last week, and I was so nervous, but it went good, so don't be too nervous.
