Saturday, June 26, 2010

Heather: MUST READ. Letter to SAAWAKM

Ahahah, thanks for listening to the title. This is my letter to my favourite internet friend. But I don't have just one; I have eight.

I'm going to go person by person, because I have something different to say to everyone.

Dear Nat,
I've read every single one of your letters, straight up to number eighteen. All of them, they're amazingly powerful, reading them I feel sad, happy, and most of the time I know exactly what your feeling through my own experiences.
We haven't really talked directly as much as I would've liked to, but I feel like I know you, just from reading your letters. And something tells me that you really are an absolutely amazing person. Not only that, but you're also always nice, and fun to talk to.
I hope we can talk more in the future.

Dear Sarah,
You say you're in a slump, and have no idea what to write about, but Sarah? You're wrong. You always have something, and all of your idea's are amazingly unique and creative, and I always love all of them, and if the rockstar one doesn't do it for you (I hope it will though) then just chill, because there is absolutely no way that you, of all people, could possibly be out of an idea for long.
You don't need to get your mojo back; because it never left. You're a crazy creative and imaginative person, so don't sell yourself short, because from what I hear, you're actually quite tall.

Dear Rachel,
I don't know you very well, but I want to. You seem really cool, and very... not dead (however infrequent you visits to SAAWAKM have been lately.)
And I'm fairly sure you're a good writer, as even your posts are well written. ;)
I'm sorry your letter is so short, but I honestly am not quite sure what to say. I have some questions though, just to get to know better. Do you like sports? How's your summer? What are your hobbies, aside from writing, what's your favourite thing that you have written? What's it about?
And last, but not least, Steve the Polar Bear, or Harold the Pig? Choose wisely. (STEVE THE POLAR BEAR! Just saying.)

Dear Nicole,
Hi. :)
Your writing is amazing, and I love your ideas; all of the ones I've seen have been fantastic.
I really want to get to know you better as well. You like All Time Low, you like to write and you (at least it seems like it to me) aren't afraid to speak your mind. All of which just makes you amazing in my book.
And when you get published, I'll be the first in line to buy it.
AND you don't mock me for say 'bahaha' which is just, like even beyond amazing, considering all these stupid people (cough, Ned, cough) do.
Do you have Yahoo Messenger?
I really want to know you better. :)

Dear Ned,
You are evil. Point blank, no arguements.
You make fun of my 'bahahah--ing' and listen while your father talks about your birthday plans. BAD NED! ;)
But your full of creative idea's, and everytime you comment on one of my stories or 'bug' me about Wolves, you make me feel amazingly happy that someone actually likes my stuff that much. So, I thank you. :)
And I must say, it's always fun texting you at midnight.
Oh, and your new story? It's rather captivating. :D

Dear Sage,
I have to say, I love the picture of you holding the frame on your page. :)
I just realized how many posts you've made named after days of the week... Okay, there's only two, but still!
What got you into singing? Acting? what's your version of ' The Plan?' What got you into photography?
I'm sorry I don't have anything to add, except that I would like to get to know you better too. By the way, how creepy is Ned's albino cat?

Dear Maiah,
I want to start out by saying or repeating, if you read my comment on your poof post, which if you haven't, you really should, so, just to reiterate and paraphrase that comment ; There is no way your friends will forget you, there is no way you will lose contact, and there is absolutely no way for everyone in Maryland (that is where you're moving?) not to love you. It'd be impossible. Just, and I know it's hard, as I've had to do it as well, but try not to stress too much, because I promise you everything is going to fall into place.
And your writing? Yeah, I'm in awe of it. And how complex your ideas are, I have been reading Blood Red Rose on WoP, and I love it.

Dear Kas,
COWS TRUMP PIGS, so suck it.
In other news.... You're amazingly fun to talk to, and I'm sure we've creeped the pregnant Kaden out quite thoroughly. I must say, I love us. Bahahah, now we're an 'Us'.
And you writing, just like everyone elses on this blog, is beyond amazing. And your ideas are mind blowing, even if you don't like me saying fortnight. FORTNIGHT, fortnight, fortnight! So hah!
Any, I'm glad we started talking and are friends. But you really need to get your butt online now... Stupid cousins.

Okay, and that's it. Now... it's dinner time, goodbye for now, ladies. ;) <--- Is it just me, or does that sentence with the winky face seem creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy? D:

Sincerely, Me. ;)


  1. Awee Thank you, Evilness runs in the family :)
    And My cat is not that creepy. :D lol

  2. I would rather not "Suck it." Thank you...
    Haha. Yes, i believe we have become an "us." :D

    PIGS will dominate, forever and ever. And the square table is so much better than the round one. I mean, seriously? Four side, heather, FOUR!

    Poor kaden, I fear he might kill me... He is scary like that. And no, if he murders me, you may NOT have my things.. :P

    And thats all i have to say for now, my long lost best friend/ soulmate/ future college roomate/ person who tends to think things at the same time i think them. I swear we are psychically linked... because we're awesome like that.

    <[:{D~ Oh, and Dumbledore says HI!

  3. But, but, but... STEVE ATE DUMBLEDORE !?!?
    Annnnd, yesterday it was a triangular table ? O.o
    Cows win anyway. LANCELOT.

  4. This made me smile,(: I don't have yahoo messenger though, sorry.

  5. Darnn,,, (: BUt I'm glad you liked t. :)
