Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nat: Introducing my new series idea.

*This is an edited version of this post. I switched the pictures around and stuff, which would explain why the comments won't make much sense.*

I've been working on this series for a while now, but basically it's going to be a trilogy, and it's called The Alliance Series. Book 1 is probably going to be called Broken Promises, but that isn't for sure yet.

I would give you a plot summary/blurb of the story, but I haven't written one yet. So instead, I'm going to introduce you to my characters.

Character 1: My main character.

Her name is Aubrey Sable, and she's 16 years old.

Character 2: Aubrey's boyfriend.

I haven't decided on his name yet, but I'd like your opinions very much. I was thinking either:


Which do you like???

Character 3: The boy Aubrey's falling in love with.

His name is Caleb, and he's 17 years old.

I've started writing Chapter One SOOOOOOO many times, but I can't seem to get it just right. But today was my last day of school (THANK GOD!!!!) which means that I only have 3 final exams, and then I'll have time to write. =D

I also wanted to mention that we have our second follower, Erin. So hi Erin, welcome to SAAWAKM.

Talk to you girls soon. Happy writing!



  1. This sounds really cool(: What genre is it? I think Caleb, I don't really like Jesse because mainly assholes or stuck up guys have that name on TV shows :P. There's something about Sebastian that I don't really like, maybe it's because he looks kind of mean in his picture, but are we supposed to not like him? Anyway, it still sounds really good :D Good luck with your exams.

  2. It's fantasy/romance. I'm kind of leaning towards the name Caleb, anyway, and I agree that Sebastian looks kind of mean. But he's supposed to be likeable, so maybe I should switch the pictures...hmm, I'll think about it. Yeah, because Sebastian is nice and Caleb is an asshole. =)

  3. Oh okay, that makes sense ;D.
