Saturday, June 26, 2010

Maiah: This Is It.

Everythings gone.
It's funny how time flys right along without you.
You're too lost in the moments to realize whats going on.
And now all of my friends are going to be gone for what seems like forever.
They'll forget about me.
They'll have no need to talk to me, or say anything to me.
Because I'll be gone.

So I guess this is goodbye.
Everything is about to go, poof.

Yeah yeah yeah, I know the whole poof sounds stupid, but i don't care. That's what it feels like. Everything is about to go poof and disapear forever.

It's moving day. ):
And I'm crying so hard right now, I can't take it.
This is really sad.
But I still have all of my SAAWAKM girls! Haha. So that's a plus. (:



  1. They won't forget about you Maiah, I promise, You can call them, email them, nothing disapears forever.

  2. I commented on one of your posts before, but I don't know if you read it, it's really long, so I think I'll just paste in here instead of rewriting it.

  3. I know exactly how you feel about moving. Really I do.
    When I was thirteen, I moved 2000 km away from my home in Nova Scotia, to humid, southern Ontario.
    I've almost been here two years now... almost.
    To be honest. It sucked, I moved in the summer and met no one my own age, while my older sister made tons of friends and kind of ditched me...
    I spent the entire summer swimming and reading, and honestly, trying not to have a mental breakdown.
    I'll admit, it was hard. But then school started, and let me tell you Maiah, if I know you at all, and I feel like I do, everyone will want to be your friend.
    I know for a fact that it sucks to move so far; I've done it. But don't for a second think it won't get better, because things always do.
    And as much as I hate to admit it, if I was given the chance to move back to Nova Scotia now, I think I would turn it down.
    And besides, you'll still have the telephone. And I don't know, but the time difference (if there is one ? ) Can't be too big. The one between here and NS is only an hour, and I still manage to talk to my best friends every day.
    And if I, of all people, can manage to keep in touch, so can you.
    Plus, you'll always have us. :)
    Okay, I think this message is long enough now, huh?
    Good luck!
    And Maiah, I know for a fact that it's hard, I bawled my eyes out. But I also know for a fact that it will be absolutely impossible for your friends to forget you.
    I don't really know what else I can say; just, as hard as it is, try not to worry so much, because I promise you, things will always get better.

  4. Aww, that was really sweet Heather. :)

  5. Oh hunny. They wont forget you, you've got too much Awesome-ness! :P

    Plus, no matter where you live you'll always have us! :D

  6. I have no idea how hard this must be for you, I've only ever read about those situations in books before. The closest I've ever come to something like that was when I had to move schools because of some awful people there. But I still remember my friends, and I know for a fact that they remember me. Every weekend we talk, either over the internet or on the phone.

    I don't doubt one bit that they won't be able to forget you. And like everybody's mentioned, you'll always have us no matter where you live(:
