Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sage- To Heather

Dear Heather, thank you, because I too love the picture with the fame. That would be the very talented Alice Xue :)
Her website is

I got into singing kind of by accident. It just used to be something that I'd do for fun, but I've slowly started to realize that I could probably make a career out of it. I love doing it and I''m not half bad... lol. I'm in the process of updating software to start laying down some originals and I'll let you guys knows as soon as their up because I would love your input.

I got into acting when I was around six and I went to theatre camp with my friend Annie. We've been doing it professionally since.

My version of the plan? Hmm.... I hope that fifteen years from now I have a family, a daughter named Piper and a son named Quinn and that I'm thanking them and my husband on the Academy Awards stage for all their love and support. Of course you guys will be in my thank you speech also :)

My mom is a professional photographer so I kind of grew up in front of the camera. But because she is SO TALENTED I've always kind of wanted to do some also. I guess it kind of rubs off on you when you live with it for years.

I would love to get to know you better also. So tell me anything, information is always welcomed :)

Love, Sage

P.S. They haven't gotten it yet... but I have a feeling that it might be mutant :S


  1. I'm going to chech out her website after I say this. :)

    1) I would totally love to hear your singing. :D
    2) You've been pursuing acting for awhile then. :) All the acting I do was this year's drama class.
    3) Your plan sounds amazing. And I like the names Piper and Quinn.
    4) Your mom sounds very... talented. :D
    And 5) Me too. :S
    When they get it.... RUN!

    Okay, so, about myself... Well, I sing; in the shower. ;)
    No, actually, I've been taking lessons for awhile, but I'm not really any good; I'd be better if I practised.
    As for acting.. Bleh. We had an 'Arts Night' at my school, and for drama we had perform short little sketches. My parents and sister came, and apparently, they thought I would suck. :'(
    BUT I didn't and they said I was good... I'm not HORRIBLE, but I wouldn't say I'm much better than average at acting. Which isn't really a bad thing, because I don't plan on being in the lime light. ;)
    And I love photography... I've tried and I'm horrible, but I like looking at it too.... So all is well. :D
    It's cool that your mom's a photographer though.. Mine's an insurance broker. :P
    And seriously though, when that cat comes.... Run.
