Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Nicole: No More WoP, and Vlogs?

Okay. So, I've decided that I'm not going to use WoP anymore or Yahoo! Answers for things about my story (except maybe excerpts if I need some advice, but then I'll delete them afterwards). Too many ideas get stolen off of those sites, and I thought that Into the Darkness was just going to be a for fun story, but it's getting fairly serious for me. So, no more internet for my story (except for this site).

Also, I just went on Youtube and saw that there was a new vlog for Maiah. So are you vlogging Maiah? If you are, I think I might start soon too(: Let me know if you still are. Okay, that's all.

Oh, I forgot too. I've decided to split my first chapter in half and then make the two new chapters a little bit longer. And you might not remember, but I asked whether anybody here had thought about or written prequels before because I had an idea in mind. Well, I've expanded on that idea and added a little bit to Rimmie's back story as well, and if I ever finish this I have the prequel to write :D.



  1. Yeah, I'm still vlogging. Yay! Now I won't be the only one!! Hahaha.

  2. I'll make one tomorrow or sometime on the weekend(:

  3. Haha... i guess ill start up again too. They were always fun. :D
