Friday, June 25, 2010

Sarah: Plans...And an opening line.

Since "Plans" seem to be the topic at the moment, I thought I'd tell everyone mine, since I know you will all be interested. Tehehehehe! plan is to go to community college for two years because I get it free with the school I go to. And then I will go to a tech school or such and be an X Ray technician. And then in my free time I will write and find a man and marry him and have children and blahtity blah blah. And yes, writing came before the man and children. Hahaha!

AND HEY TO NAT AND RACHEL. I have our opening line (if you guys like it).
"I never thought my life could change while swinging upside down on the monkey bars."

You like? Well, let me know. And whoever wants to start, go ahead. You two can choose and then we'll decide who goes next.


  1. (I can't log in right now; too tight on time.)

    ANYWAYS, perhaps I should check my email? Cause at this point, I'm completely in the dark as to what we're even writing about. :)

  2. Um...I don't think we actually know what we're writing about. Do we?

    I like the opening line, though. =)

    Rachel, do you wanna start?
