Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sarah: you have no idea how stupid I am...

First of all, this is the 300th post for SAAWAKM! YAY!

And second of all, I'm totally stupid. Nat, that line I told you about was already taken. I was looking through some of my old documents and realized I had already used it. I am SO, SO, SO, sorry about that. I don't even know how I could have made that mistake. Again, sorry for that!

BUT. I have some other ideas. Well...maybe. I'll have to think. If anyone has suggestions for a great first line, please go ahead.

Again, I'm so sorry Nat and Rachel.


  1. We need something about the story to give you a first line. Haha. Unless you want me to wing it... in that case.

    First line-
    I never knew how high hedgehogs could jump, until one lept on my face.

    I like it, it has some potential... hahaha!



    Or-- The evil empire had only been in power a few years, yet it had already managed to send all of the worlds optimists to Mars, where they were destined to live with the evil aliens that resided there....

    I feel immensely cool right now.
