Tuesday, June 29, 2010


The title is what happens when your mouse falls on your keyboard.

Okay, so I need your SERIOUS help. I have an idea for a story all based on one opening line. Which is, like, huge. I took the advice of Heather and Ned. I listened to other people talking (my friends and I decided to wear sunglasses and sit in a bench at the mall so we felt like spies. We're dorks) and then I tried some meditation and just let my mind wander and BAM.

What I said in the last post is still true: I want to write a little on this before I tell anyone, just so I don't jinx it.

Anyway! I need (from each of you) a list of like...five names. Male and female. Because until I get a name, I can't write about this characteer, and I really want to while it's fresh in my mind.

Thanks to all of you!
This picture is something I took while in France, at the American Cemetary at Normandy Beach. I cried while there, because all the names and graves really got to me. I just thought I'd share it with you.


  1. Hmmmm...
    Girl names:
    1. Eliza
    2. Nora
    3. Camille
    4. Farrah
    5. Blaze

    Guy names:
    1. Brayden
    2. Dustin
    3. Landon
    4. Nathan
    5. Andrew

  2. Girls
    1. Logan
    2. Ellie
    3. Cynthia
    4. Callie
    5. Jamie

    1. Jackson
    2. Wolfe
    3. Steve
    4. Morgan
    5. Jake

    Ahaha, I couldn't think of names... :)
