Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Heather: I find it just a little ridiculous...

(I'm about to rant about the media, bias, how ignorant our world is, and other things you may not want to hear. If this is so, just skip to the * that'll be the part that really pertains to anything SAAWAKM.)

... That so many things can go on in the world that people choose to overlook, or are never even given a chance to learn about. For example, the uprisings in Syria and Yemen, that are getting worse by the minute, (at the very least, as bad as Libya) but no one cares to broadcast this in the news, because they're too worried about congressman Weiner's... Weiner.

Or Libya. Libya was, at first, being broadcast every ten minutes. Well, that's still going on, and it's still active, but they aren't even showing as much of that anymore either.

Or any of the other (approximately sixteen, from around the time Egypt became a military state until the election in October) countries that started revolts as well.

The only reason any of these are broadcast anyway (most likely) is because of the oil, not because, you know, people actually care.

And it isn't just the uprisings that people tend to overlook or be ignorant of, but even things in our own countries and communities. For example, in Canada (and likely the US, as well) tons of elderly live under the poverty line, because they're living longer than they expected, and didn't save enough money.

Or the fact that most people don't bother finding out where they get their food, and the process it takes to mass produce said food. Like not bothering to understand that when the law states animals have access to the outdoors, it means they get a window. Or the fact that chickens, several of them at a time, live in a crate the size of a piece of paper with wire to cut into their feet. And if that part doesn't bother you, then there's also the fact that factory farming alone contributes 40% more carbon fuels than all the worlds transportation, and is the leading cause of climate change and global warming.

Or the fact that people in Japan weren't even told about the most recent meltdown until after it happened.

Or the fact that people think that racism, sexism- any kind of discrimination- is a thing of the past. That's not true. Not at all. A few months ago, there was a gay bashing in my city- a place where they've gone more than a year without any type of murders and is (supposed to be) considered safe.

Or the fact that people don't take any time out of their lives to think about these things, or other things that pertain to things that are unpleasant to think about. Sometimes, you need to consider these things, sometimes you need to stop being ignorant. And sometimes you need to think about the world around you, and the things that go on in it.

That's not to say that you're wrong if you don't know these things, but it's a bit of a pet-peeve of mine, and I'm sorry I just inflicted this rant on you all...


On a lighter note, I really want to start on challenges and videos right away (not because I mean to be mean to Ash, or anything, but because, while I too still have three weeks of school, with exams, I will be working all summer and I'll have less time then.)

I'm in a bit of a slump right now. Kas and I never seem to be on at the same time to work on Silver, and I'm in a slump writing on my own right now, so I'm really looking forward to these challenges to start the inspiration.

Alright, well, that's all. Sorry again about the rant.


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