Monday, June 27, 2011

Nat: Bringing Up This Issue Again...

I just need to address this issue once more to say -
New York just legalized gay marriage!
And also - watch this video if you're interested in gay rights at all.
That is all.


  1. YAY! But, it's sad that America only have a few states where it's legal and Australia's stupid prime minster won't legalise gay marriage because of religion or something, yet she's an atheist. And places like Canada it's completely legal. Oh well, it is a step forward!

  2. It IS a step forward, and hopefully the rest of the states aren't far behind...
    And it makes me proud to be Canadian.


  3. I just hate it took so long for them to come to that conclusion as well- how long can you really debate over someone's rights?

    But I'm glad it went through.

    And, it makes me proud to be Canadian too.

