Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kas: Videos.

So, i just got back from my college class, and it went great. Haha. A bit long though (its 3 hours).

So, a few of you have said you want top do the video idea, and the challenges.

So, if you want to do the videos, I suggest we start making them immediately. Haha. Ash, I know you wanted to wait, and its absolutely perfectly fine if you want to hold off form making yours until schools out for you, but I was really wanting to start now. :P

So, I've been thinking all day about what the videos should be about/ have in them.

One idea I had was to maybe transfer the QOTD over to the YoutTube channel. But, I think it should change to QOTW (Question of the Week) So, we would post on here what the question of the week would be, and then answer it in the video for that week.

I'm not sure if we should do the whole assigning a day to everyone, like I get Mondays Heather gets Tuesdays etc. Because, as we all know, we sometimes just don't have time. and, I think, the freedom of posting whenever during the week you want, will be the better option.

While I do want the YouTube to be about writing, i'm not sure if we should all talk about our own personal stories, as it might get really confusing to anyone watching. Besides thats what this blog is for.

So, any other ideas about what we should talk about/ do on the channel?

Also, the old youtube account for SAAWAKM refuses to let me sign in, therefore I'll have to make a new one...



  1. I used to love watching the vlogs you and Maiah used to do about your stories and the updates on them, maybe we could incorporate that somehow?

    I'd also love to do some videos too, but it's just going to have to be at a time when I'm home alone and my family doesn't think I've gone nuts and talking to myself ;P.

    - Nicole

  2. Just for the record, I hadn't read this before I posted above. So sorry....

  3. I think we should at LEAST talk about writing a little bit.

  4. Well, like i said, i do want it to be about writing, but i think it should be more about writing in general, not just a video about our stories and what part we're on and how its going.
    Because thats what me and Maiah's we're always about, and I think it should be more about just general writing and reading.

