Thursday, June 30, 2011

Nat: Helping Heather

Please don't slam your face into the wall a few hundred times. I feel like that would be a bad idea. I'm gonna try and answer some of those questions for you, starting with:

-Are they in our world? Or are they in another?
Personally, from reading what you have so far, it feels to me like it would either be a completely different world, or else our world in the past (1800s or so). I like both of those ideas, but I lean a bit more strongly towards the 'our world in the past' idea. That way, you don't have to make up a new place, and you can focus on the character development and researching our own world's history (and use the knowledge you already have).

-Regarding the girls (Is girl one going to be amnesiac girl two, is girl two the reincarnation, is girl one dead, etc...)
I really like the idea of girl one actually dying and being reincarnated as girl two. She would, however, have no memory of being girl one, but something would still draw her to Darcy or something. At least, that's where I would go with it.

-Where is Darcy? How could he let girl one get taken off to die?
This one is a bit harder for me to address, because I don't know much about Darcy or his motives or whatever. But I think that he would have tried hard to save her, but he wasn't strong enough. Or else he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, or he secretly knows she'll be reincarnated, or he was only pretending to love her and is planning to betray her but is actually starting to fall in love with her...whoa that sentence didn't really make sense, sorry, that's my brain going all crazy again and spewing random ideas.

Here is a list of some that I came up with...

I'm sorry if this didn't really help you that much, but I figured that this is a writing blog and I haven't given much witing advice lately. So there you go, there's my little bit of advice. :)


  1. I love you.

    Haha, this is awesome. For the first two, I was leaning that way as well. :)

    And I love some (most) of the names too.

    And you've given me things to think about for Darcy as well.

    So if this is ever finished, published or not, it's totally going to be dedicated to you-know-who.

    Y'know, Voldemort!

    Kidding, kidding.

    Thank you so much! :)


  2. Haha you are welcome. :D
    And please please PLEASE dedicate your book to Voldemort. Lol that would be awesome! Or, y'know, you could dedicate it to me...I guess that would be okay too... ;)


  3. Both sounds like a pretty awesome compromise... ;)

