Saturday, June 25, 2011

Nicole: Sorryyy

Okay, so I don't have any real excuse for not posting. After my last post the other day I told myself that I wasn't allowed to post again until I finished my first chapter, and I ended up finishing it that night :P.

But anywayyyys, so that's done and I'm on to the second chapter now! I'm not sure if it's long enough though, how long are yours chapters usually?


  1. Haha, you're back! :)


    My chapters are usually between 2500 words, and 5000 words.


  2. Haha, but don't worry about it if it is short- if it's the perfect place to cut off, then that's the perfect place to end it. :P

    Some of mine are shorter than that... Ijust try to make them... not. Haha.


  3. Well, my chapters are usually short between 700-1500 words. Usually. :D -Ned.

  4. That makes me feel better, haha. It was just the perfect place to cut it off and it helped me think of a title for the chapter too. (: Thanks guysss.
