Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cori: 9 Days Left...

Nine days until Caged has to be finished. I'm really freaking out right now! I still have three chapters left to do; I've written bits and pieces of those chapters, but I'm not so sure that I'll be able to finish the entire thing by June 30th.

I think SAAWAKM needs a new look. I love the one we have now, but a new one would be nice too. And since I'm technologically impaired, and don't even know how to make a page (I've tried, and failed miserably), someone else has to do it. Otherwise I would, because I've always wanted to. Lawl.

This is going to be an extremely short post, mainly because I need to write. I'll try to post later or something. =D


  1. I can try to make a new look for SAAWAKM no guarantees though!


  2. Ahh! Good luck!
    You can do it. :D

  3. Thanks...I'll try my best!

    ...No promises though.

