Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rachel: Yet another strange family outing

My dad, my brother, and I just got back from a hike we took up to Crystal Lake (those of us who live in the same area know what I'm talking about). Those of you who do not know where Crystal Lake is, it's just a short drive and short hike away from where I live, and today it was absolutely beautiful up there. The water was such a deep blue, the surrounding landscape a blended blur of greens, grays, browns, and other pretty mountain-y colours. It was a little too hot, but I prefer too hot to too cold, so that was fine. Let me tell you though, that trail was CROWDED. I think that everyone on Mono County had the same idea as us. I also think that everybody in Mono County was frightened by us. My family is extremely weird and we (mostly my dad and I) have a very dark sense of humour, so what did we talk about as we hiked? Why, we spoke loudly about how we would like to kill and perhaps eat the people down on the lake in great detail, and then my brother proceeded to pretend he was a dinosaur and dance up the trail (he is fifteen years old...) while I obnoxiously sang patriotic tunes. Oh, and on the way home my dad kept his window rolled down and yelled things like "safety first!" and occasionally just "GAY!" out the window as we drove past random people. We are not ALWAYS this weird, but when we're all in a good mood we tend to be especially freakish. I have to say though, despite all of the people we scarred for life and weirded out, I consider it a completely successful    family outing. You'll have to take my word for it, but it was a splendid time.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some writing to do :)


1 comment:

  1. Someday, we need to meet and you need to bring me on a family outing with you. I would fit right in with your family. xD

