Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kamie: Rachel

 So yeah! That's Rachel! Um, I don't know what to say but here are some facts about her I guess! 
She's pretty awesome, she's an avid writer and more! Okay allow me to continue on with the "and more!" so pretty much she's just as dorky as me. She loves music both playing and listening to it, as she plays the violin (trained classically), mandolin (like me!), trombone, and she likes to noodle around on the piano. She wants to become an astrophysicist if I'm correct. But yeah, she's a nerdy dork like me, we like frolicking about and she loves cross country skiing. Um, that's just a bit about her, and I really hope you all accept her in so I can give her the notice! :) Next one will be on Chelsea! Enjoy! 

-Kamiella Maze


  1. Invite them both! I read Chelsea's too, and I'm all for it! :)


  2. Rachel is really pretty! I think she sounds awesome.

