Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kas: heyyy ladies.

This is just an update post, since i still haven't talked to Heather.

Uhm, I drove the two hours to my future college yesterday to enroll. It actually made me a lot less terrified of going. I made a few new friends, but i do that everywhere, Haha. And I got into every class that I wanted, which I will now list for you.

Monday - Friday
12:30 - 1:20

Expo - 'The Jane Austen Meme' (English class)
Monday & Wednesday
3:00 - 4:15

General Anthropology
Tuesday & Thursday
3:00 - 4:15

College Algebra
Tuesday & Thursday
4:30 - 5:45

So, that's what i'll be up to next year. I'll be coming home most weekends, so its good that i only have one class on Fridays.

Also, I'm 100% nocturnal, so it's also awesome that none of my classes start until 12:30.

I was supposed to get my roommate assignment at the end of June, but they changed it to the middle of July. which sucks, but whatever. Haha. Still kind of nervous about the random roommate thing.

I found out that on the first Sunday after we move in, they have this big thing out on the front lawn where all the clubs and organizations set up booths for you to visit and such, so i'm excited about that. I already decided to join the Harry Potter club, the LGBT alliance club, and OU Cousins (which is where you are assigned a foreign exchange student to hang out with and help adapt. Etc. ) I'm sure there are a bunch of others i'll be interested in as well.

So, yeah, Heather, you need to get online pronto so we can work on Silver before my life is super duper hectic. :)

There is exactly two weeks from today until my sister's wedding. Soooooo close.

Also, I just found my new favorite website! Well, aside form SAAWAKM... and Tumblr. :)

It's called Polyvore, I don't know if any of you have ever heard of it. Its basically a website where you can piece together outfits from all over the internet, to see what they would look like. Also, you can browse other people's outfits and each piece of the outfit is clickable and links you to where you can buy it. I love it.

Here's my page;

I've only got two outfits at the moment, but that's because i just found the website like an hour ago. Haha. Some of you should make one as well! I would love to see your styles!



  1. That's totally awesome! So you're going to be taking Italian?
    The very first thing I'm going to do when I go to college is join the LGBTQ club...I'm questioning homosexuality myself so it would be a nice place to go.
    The Harry Potter club will be second for sure. xD


  2. That's awesome! Congrats! You're going to Ohio University? Please tell me if you like it, because it's one of my college choices as well, along with UNT, UC Davis, and UNH... :) As for Polyvore, it's not just clothing! :) I have a Polyvore but I haven't been on in a long time... maybe I'll visit there now! Okay sounds like a plan! Thanks for reminding me about it! :)


  3. I'm going to the University of Oklahoma, actually. haha.

