Thursday, June 21, 2012

Kas: Heather asked me to fix the blog for her...

Haha. So, I decided to go for a more romantic, old timey feel this time.

I took out a few of the sidebar things that no one really uses anymore and added a new feature. Quote of the week.

Each week, we add a new quote. Honestly, we don't have to wait a full week, if the quote's already been up for a few days and you want to change it, go for it.

 This week I used one of my all time favorites, from a John Green novel.

Well, tell me what you think of the new look.

ALSO, to go along with the new look, I want everyone to re-do their personal pages. Most of them are extremely out dated. I'll go work on mine now! :)



  1. I really like it! I updated my page when showing Rachel what mine looked like! Do you think I need to redo mine again?


  2. I love it! It's great, Kas. You did a great job.

