Sunday, June 17, 2012

Cori: Character Descriptions.

Earlier, I saw Rachel's posts about her characters and had an idea. We should probably all do the same thing - a short description on the personality and physical appearance of our main character(s). This IS a writing blog, after all haha. What do you guys think? =D

I'll go on ahead and do mine, just to get it over with.

Altrius Dial is my main character. He's first introduced in the prologue, which involves a brief explanation of the nuclear war that takes place before the events in Caged. In the beginning of the novel, he's extremely withdrawn and doesn't speak much, but as the plot goes on he comes out of his shell and starts showing his true personality. Throughout the novel he slowly loses his sanity, something that becomes extremely apparent in his love for killing. He's the most powerful demon in the world; but he has trouble using his powers because of his traumatic past. His "reason to live" is to save the humans, even though he hates him, because if they die the demons will too. He's sadistic, selfish, and relishes in bloodshed, but he will always protect children and friends in need. Appearance: Altrius has black hair, which is notably shorter on the right than it is on the left, and black eyes. He's quite tall and is very pale, and has fangs. He never goes anywhere without his treasured pistol.

Mirabelle Akagin is also a main character. She's introduced in chapter two. She was born on an island called Ardina de Ra, and is part of the race called Zatans (similar to the Japanese). The Zatanese hate demons - one of the reasons why she had to flee Ardina, for she herself is a demon. Her parents were stoned to death, while she and her brother escaped. In the beginning of the novel she's self-conscious and unsure about the world, since she's never truly seen or heard about it before. But as the book progresses she becomes much more confident and quite manipulative. She both hates and loves Altrius, and tries to kill him on a few occasions. Appearance: Mirabelle has boy-short, light brown hair and bright purple eyes. She's not very tall, and is often made fun of (by Altrius) for being rather flat-chested. She too has fangs, though hers are tiny in comparison to Altrius's.

Vandralls Ravis is Altrius's childhood friend and former boyfriend, first introduced in chapter five. Although it's never stated, he's obviously gay. He's often mistaken for a woman, which he finds amusing. He veers on the edge of insanity; anything can and will set off his violent temper, and if antagonized he will catch his object of anger on fire. He's a demon whose specialty is fire. Appearance: Vandralls has auburn hair and deep blue eyes, and is absolutely gorgeous. He uses his feminine charms to capture the interest of his enemies, and then to crush them without mercy.

Khardan Tiqeula is a telekinetic demon boy that lives with Altrius and the others, introduced briefly in the prologue and reappearing in the fifth. He's a prince, as well as a thief and a liar. Before the war he had a twin brother, Gaeron, and a girlfriend named Emel; when they died he forcibly made himself forget. For the majority of the novel he keeps his amnesia and thinks that he is his twin, and that he himself died in the bombing of Racel (the city he lives in). Appearance: Khardan has messy white blonde hair and big green eyes. He's extremely small and, as a result of starving himself, is anorexic-thin.

Well, those are my main characters! I hope that wasn't too boring, haha.


  1. Holy guacamole, Cori, I am slightly in love with your book and I have no idea what it's even about. Your characters are all SO multidimensional! I know them without even knowing them based on the descriptions you wrote up. So awesome :)

  2. Thanks, Iridian! I've been working with them since I was twelve, haha. They're like real people now - it's crazy how much they've changed as I've gotten older. Altrius was originally a girl. If that's not a big change, then I don't know what is. xD

    Caged is pretty much about how Altrius is forced to find a lost prophecy, which turns out to be...well, I'm not going to spoil it. But the prophecy is completely evil, I'll tell you that. Then he has to kill the gods in their world, because they're also evil. It's actually quite complex but that's the main gist of the series.
